#93 Stack Overflow Co-founder Jeff Atwood on Developers and Communities

Today I'm talking with programmer legend Jeff Atwood. Jeff co-founded Stack Overflow with Joel Spolsky back in 2008. And software development has never been the same. Jeff also co-founded Discourse, a beloved forum tool used by Apple, Roblox, and of course the freeCodeCamp community. And Jeff is a prolific writer through his blog, Coding Horror. I met up with Jeff at his home in the San Francisco Bay Area, and interviewed him in the room where he builds so many of his software projects. We talked about software development and community building. Among other things, he shared his thoughts on Large Language Models, VR, and Self-Driving Cars. If you dig this podcast, be sure to leave us a review. I'm excited to read any feedback you have for me. And tell your friends. It's a huge help for us. We're still early days with The freeCodeCamp Podcast. I'm interviewing so many other inspiring developers in the coming weeks. Jeff's Blog, Coding Horror: https://blog.codinghorror.com/

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The official podcast of the freeCodeCamp.org open source community. Each week, founder Quincy Larson interviews developers, entrepreneurs, and professors. You'll learn all about how to build your skills and accelerate your career in tech. Learn to code with free online courses, programming projects, and interview preparation for developer jobs: https://www.freecodecamp.org