Ep 1 – Introduction and John Guilford

In this, the debut episode, Eric explains his obsession for guitars, talk radio, Buddy Holly, and how it all ties together. A caller spins his tale of woe about a broken headstock, and another caller has static electricity issues with his pickguard. Eric talks guitar repair prices, how they vary regionally, and what to watch out for when getting a quote. To close out the show, Eric is joined by John Guilford of Guilford Guitars (GuilfordGuitars.com) to talk tone, custom guitars, fret ends, hardware, and making guitars out of trees.

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Eric Daw—a 20 year guitar repair veteran—talks guitar tech, guitar repair, guitar tools, guitar building, and all things relating to the art of guitar craft. Eric takes calls, reads emails, and interviews a myriad of guitar industry moguls.