Not Cool Ep 8: Suzanne Jones on climate policy and government responsibility

On the eighth episode of Not Cool, Ariel tackles the topic of climate policy from the local level to the federal. She's joined by Suzanne Jones: the current mayor of Boulder, Colorado, but also public policy veteran and climate activist. Suzanne explains the climate threats facing communities like Boulder, the measures local governments can take to combat the crisis, and the ways she’d like to see the federal government step up. She also discusses the economic value of going green, the importance of promoting equity in climate solutions, and more. Topics discussed include: -Paris Climate Agreement -Roles for local/state/federal governments -Surprise costs of climate change -Equality/equity in climate solutions -Increasing community engagement -Nonattainment zones -Electrification of transportation sector -Municipalization of electric utility -Challenges, roadblocks, and what she’d like to see accomplished -Affordable, sustainable development -What individuals should be doing -Carbon farming and sustainable agriculture

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The Future of Life Institute (FLI) is a nonprofit working to reduce global catastrophic and existential risk from powerful technologies. In particular, FLI focuses on risks from artificial intelligence (AI), biotechnology, nuclear weapons and climate change. The Institute's work is made up of three main strands: grantmaking for risk reduction, educational outreach, and advocacy within the United Nations, US government and European Union institutions. FLI has become one of the world's leading voices on the governance of AI having created one of the earliest and most influential sets of governance principles: the Asilomar AI Principles.