15: Manifesting your dreamlife with Ashley Wood!

We are proud and honored to be guested by Ashley Wood in this episode. Ashley is our first international guest. She is Canadian and an International Akashic Records Reader, psychic intuitive and spiritual guide. She is also a podcast host of her own show Manifest This! We’ve been listening to Ashley’s podcast for quite a while now and we can highly recommend it! We are especially found of her solo episodes. Not that her guests aren’t extraordinary too but Ashley has a lot of wisdom to share which be both enjoy to take part of. In this episode we discuss: -Ashley's journey to live in alignment -How to manifest your dreamlife -A work day in Ashley's life balancing being a mother to a 2y old -How we are all energy -What Ashley means when she says that she wants to take the woo out of the woo-woo in spirituality -How to have a mindful relationship to social media

Om Podcasten

Välkommen till The Game Changers Podcast! Podden för dig som tröttnat på att stå i skuggan av dig själv och vill kliva in i din fulla potential! Podden bjuder på spiritualitet, personlig utveckling, holistisk hälsa & entreprenörskap! Vi blandar humor med allvar och djup och garanterar att du höjer dina vibbar när du lyssnar på oss! Jessica Isegran är intuitiv coach & yoga- och meditationslärare. Jenny Larsson är mental tränare, healer & djurkommunikatör. Prepare yourself for a ride!!!