200. Celebrating 200 Episodes: Recap of Your Favorites

I cannot believe we have recorded 200 episodes of the Game on Girlfriend podcast. I am so happy to have been able to do this! We’ve gone in and dug through the top performing episodes between episode 100 and episode 200 to recap and bring you what we felt were the top hits. I really want to take a minute and thank you so much for the support. This is such a labor of love for me to help you come into the world of coaching and see what it's really like. Here is a preview of the seven episodes featured. Let’s get to it! Episode 190: Can Coaches Really Make Money? BTS With MY Coach Kelsey Murphy https://sarahwalton.com/can-you-make-money-as-life-coach/ Kelsey really homes in on what we coaches -- those of us who really study the craft and the art and the skill behind coaching -- do because we really love other people, and we really love this planet. “So, you have all these wonderful, empathetic, big-hearted humans that are not successful out in the world. And I'm like, no F that. … That makes me feel like, no, something's not right in the world. Because these people, these communicators, are the ones that could stop wars. They could make people feel seen and heard.”  – Kelsey Murphy Teaching people the skills of being able to share emotions, ideas, and experiences in a way that expands rather than contracts the rest of the world is really special. Episode 187: Feel Like You’re Pushing Water Uphill? This Will Help You Find Success https://sarahwalton.com/pushing-water-uphill/ This is a solo episode where it’s me speaking to all of you directly. I've recorded them in cars, in closets. I basically have done these pretty much everywhere. So many people were reaching out to me, saying it just feels too hard right now. This episode was my response. “This idea that we have to show up and perform in a certain way, we have to show up and appear in a certain way. … We've got to be so aware of what we are here to deliver that we can't get distracted by what other people are doing. …  I want you to get really honest with you. Are you doing this to yourself? Are you showing up in the world the way you think the world wants you to be seen? Or are you showing up based on who you are? Because the moment you start to show up as who you really are is the moment your business will transform, your life will become a lot easier, and you'll probably start making more money.”  – Sarah Walton Self-trust is something that is just an absolute tenet of everything that I teach and everything that I do whenever I'm coaching. It's so important that we remember that we have so much power in how we talk to ourselves and how we decide to respond to the different pressures and stressors that come at us, as well as the joys. Other episodes mentioned: Our 100th Episode: Fan Favorites, Editors Pick, and The Best Clips and Highlights https://sarahwalton.com/100/  Episode 188: Social Media is NOT a Marketing Strategy with Ruthie Sterrett  https://sarahwalton.com/social-media-marketing-strategy/  Episode 186: The Art of Self-Control with Tracy Pleschourt https://sarahwalton.com/take-back-self-control/  Episode 193: Take Those Courses Off the Shelf: 4 Steps to Make Progress https://sarahwalton.com/make-progress/  Episode 192: Behind the Scenes with IVF and Fertility Specialist Tasha Blasi https://sarahwalton.com/tasha-blasi-fertility/  Episode 195: The Breakthrough I Didn’t Know I Needed https://sarahwalton.com/breakthrough-in-business/  Thank you so much for listening. I'm so honored that you're here and would be so grateful if you could leave a quick review on Apple Podcasts by clicking here, scrolling to the bottom, and clicking "Write a review."Then, we'll get to inspire even more people! (If you’re not sure how to leave a review, you can watch this quick tutorial.)  #BusinessSuccessStory #GameOnGirlfriendPodcast #PodcastMilestone #SarahWalton #SarahWaltonPodcast #MilestoneEpisode #entrepreneurship#IntuitiveBusinessCoach #SalesCoach

Om Podcasten

Why are some people more successful faster? Do women really support each other? How big does my online presence need to be? What do I do first to make money in my business? Can I really make money starting my own business? How important is social media? Am I going to have to work 24/7 to make a real living? Welcome to the Game on Girl friend podcast where we answer all of these questions through behind-the-scenes podcasts, interviews with successful business owners like you and direct coaching from veteran entrepreneur, Sarah Walton. We’ll share industry insider tips on influence, productivity, confidence and always * always * motivation. There’s nothing worse than feeling like you could’ve acted on your dreams, but you didn’t. Sarah believes you were given your dreams, ideas and wishes for a reason. You’ll come to consider this podcast a gentle nudge to remind you that you matter, your work matters and your dreams deserve a chance. But the best part? We’ll actually talk about how to make that happen. This isn’t your practice life. The game is on and you’ve got one shot and making it your best. Game on, Girlfriend…game on.