Buying "Stuff" is the Biggest Band-Aid to Disguising Unhappiness

This episode of the podcast is from a talk I gave at JP Morgan Chase's Next Gen Conference. Next Gen focuses on leadership & career development for early career professionals. One of the biggest take aways from this episode that might resonate with many of you is about taking a traditional career path and not hating your job. People tend to "over-judge" themselves nowadays for taking a more traditional route because now that entrepreneurship is "cool". We cannot ask a giraffe to be a penguin so please don't try to start a business just because it's the "thing", and this ties into how everything relates into self-awareness, either in personal life and business life. Hope you enjoy this insightful episode.

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Welcome to The GaryVee Audio Experience, hosted by entrepreneur, CEO, investor, content creator, and public speaker Gary Vaynerchuk. On this podcast you'll find a mix of the #AskGaryVee show episodes, keynote speeches on marketing and business, segments from my DAILYVEE video series, interviews and fireside chats I've given, as well as new and current thoughts I record originally for this audio experience!