Venue Security, The IAVM Podcast Series EP 4: “Don’t’ get complacent.” Christopher Post, on communications and preparedness.

In this episode of Venue Security, The IAVM Podcast Series, Andy Jabbour talks with Christopher Post, Assistant General Manager, Amarillo Civic Center Complex. Christopher graduated from West Texas A&M University with a Bachelor of Business Administration. He has been in venue management for 18 years and prior to that, was a professional musician for a little over 20 years (yes, he started very young!). As Assistant General Manager, his duties have included serving as the Emergency Coordinator and First-Aid Response Trainer for the Amarillo Civic Center since 2009. He is a graduate of IAVM’s AVSS and VMS. Read more at his complete LinkedIn profile. Amarillo Civic Center Complex® - Meet. Play. Celebrate. Christopher’s background. Clear, consistent, collaborative, communications. Throwing EAP’s in the trash a few times. The 10-80-10 rule. The value of full-scale exercises. Name dropping some champions from the community. More! “It has to be muscle memory, it has to be automatic.”In the discussion we address:

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