​ Archeology Confirms Saul, David, and Solomon

With each find, archeology only further substantiates biblical history. We share some of the most exciting archeological discoveries and demonstrate their correlation with Scripture in this new segment. What are the intersections between Egypt and David, Solomon, and Jeroboam? Where do we find David winning key battles against the Syrians, only to lose ground under Ahab and others? Christians are often lost in the history of the Kings and Chronicles. This segment will help straighten out misconceptions and clarify ancient middle-eastern history from 1100 BC to 700 BC.

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Today's family and social-economic systems are failing and will continue to do so unless the collective people regain a proper understanding of reality. Generations Radio, with Kevin Swanson, presents that proper understanding of reality by speaking to the issues people face in the modern day from the perspective of a biblical worldview. Broadcasting from our basement studio in Elizabeth, Colorado, we reach over 100 countries.