​ Disney Leads the Culture in 2024

Disney is leading the culture again with the two largest blockbusters of the year—Inside Out 2 and Dead Pool 3—both heavy queer-coding, gender fluid-affirming, revolutionary cultural expressions. How much of Hollywood is effeminate, gender-fluid, and queer coded? More than you could imagine. But then again, so was the Globe Theater in 1590. The Puritans were as concerned about the theater then as we are now. Not much has changed. 

Om Podcasten

Today's family and social-economic systems are failing and will continue to do so unless the collective people regain a proper understanding of reality. Generations Radio, with Kevin Swanson, presents that proper understanding of reality by speaking to the issues people face in the modern day from the perspective of a biblical worldview. Broadcasting from our basement studio in Elizabeth, Colorado, we reach over 100 countries.