A Treacherous Move for Biden

With one final treacherous policy decision, President Joe Biden sweeps almost every federal prisoner on death row into a free-room-and-board program for the rest of their lives. Whence cometh this softy-wofty treatment of ax murderers and serial killers? The root is found in a corrupted 19th-century theology. Human governments are supposed to be some expression of common grace that dates back to the Noahic covenant—but not much anymore.  

Om Podcasten

Today's family and social-economic systems are failing and will continue to do so unless the collective people regain a proper understanding of reality. Generations Radio, with Kevin Swanson, presents that proper understanding of reality by speaking to the issues people face in the modern day from the perspective of a biblical worldview. Broadcasting from our basement studio in Elizabeth, Colorado, we reach over 100 countries.