02. Reach Your Goals This Year With Clear 2020 Vision

When it comes to setting goals, we need a way to ACTUALLY achieve them. After hearing our unique methods, you will have a refreshed perspective on goal setting and have a concrete method to move the dial forward in 2020. In this episode we talk about: •Our individual outlook on goal setting •How we approach setting goals for the year ahead •The importance of quarterly reviews •What we do if hit a roadblock in achieving our goals •Our BONUS method for you to truly progress in your busi

Om Podcasten

Girl Interrupted is for the girl that needs inspiration to take action and be bold enough to get sh*t done on the daily. We're all about meshing business and soul, but we also know all the BS that comes with running your own business. Consider us your biz besties, here to help you juggle your conflicting priorities and create a support system of like-minded girl bosses online AND offline. Our mission is to keep you inspired, sane, motivated and entertained, all while sharing the highs, the lows and the failure forwards of running your own thing. Each week we’ll bring you a thought, a tip or spotlight stories from real people in the thick of the entrepreneurial journey. This podcast is for the solo-preneur that’s seeking a level-up and seeking support in her business. Let’s get you off this isolation island and into cultivating your very own girl gang, so you can push forward, without boundaries and smash out your goals - and to get YOU out of your own way!