When to cut back (in business and life)

Choosing to create a greater future for the long term sometimes means that you have to cut back on a few things in the short term. I was really resistant to this! I had the point of view that to get bigger and greater you should always be choosing MORE. So the more my business grew, the more I just upgraded my lifestyle.And then we (my husband and I) sat down and looked at what our actual targets are. For the first time in about 7 years since having the twins I was willing to look at cutting back - in order to grow. This episode is all about intentionally making choices that will allow you to save money, invest in wealth to create true financial security, and create a greater future (for your life and business).

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Welcome to The MARKETING CHAOS PODCAST (marketing & business insights for wellness experts who defy tradition)! I'm your host, Lauren Marie, former acupuncturist & wellness center owner turned online business expert. I now work with wellness experts to help them bring their knowledge online. Chaos is a part of life and here, we don't avoid it, we embrace it. Learn how to ask great questions, gain more awareness, and turn your expertise into a profitable online business!