How Big Was the Tower of Babel? Jubilees Tells Us. Wow!!! Is this even possible?

In our study of Jubilees, we found massive measurements recorded for the Tower of Babel which we are not provided in Genesis. This is incredible! We had a viewer send in a rendering of the true size of this tower and they compared to the world's tallest buildings and other large structures today. This should be no surprise as our DNA becomes more corrupted and despite advances in technology, man is exactly getting smarter. We also don't live as long as the ancient patriarchs. How did they bui...

Om Podcasten

International Authors, Speakers, and Researchers, Timothy Jay Schwab and Anna Zamoranos-Schwab founded The God Culture in 2018 leading a team of researchers in locating the legendary land of gold Ophir. This led to the location of Sheba, Tarshish, Garden of Eden, Rivers from Eden, and more. This channel will expose the leaven in scholarship and tradition. If you arrived here seeking the truth, you shall find it. Their series first began on YouTube and then in book form now read in over 100 countries. This will blow your mind if you are ready for it. Yah Bless.Books Available in eBook or Print at: