Wak Wak: Muslim Isles of Gold Mapped in the Philippines! Garden of Eden Revealed: Part 4

Wow! Did you know the famous Muslim cartographer from Africa mapped the Muslim Isles of Gold in the Philippines? He did and we'll show that map and confirming maps in the Muslim world. This was never a mystery and the fact that academics have written on this as if no such map exists, demonstrates a profound willing ignorance as the first place to go for Muslim geography is Al-Idrisi. By the end of this video, you will have no doubt where the Muslim Isle of Gold are as well as Zahab Isle, or G...

Om Podcasten

International Authors, Speakers, and Researchers, Timothy Jay Schwab and Anna Zamoranos-Schwab founded The God Culture in 2018 leading a team of researchers in locating the legendary land of gold Ophir. This led to the location of Sheba, Tarshish, Garden of Eden, Rivers from Eden, and more. This channel will expose the leaven in scholarship and tradition. If you arrived here seeking the truth, you shall find it. Their series first began on YouTube and then in book form now read in over 100 countries. This will blow your mind if you are ready for it. Yah Bless.Books Available in eBook or Print at: OphirInstitute.com