#222 - Ashley Jablow: Strategy for Life + Human Design

Ever wondered about the tiny nuances in how we're wired that shape our lives and relationships? This week, Steve and guest Ashley Jablow chat about Human Design - a scientific and philosophical framework that gives you a blueprint to understanding yourself and what makes you feel 'aligned' with life. Ashley recounts how understanding her energetic blueprint has transformed her approach to life, allowing her to flow with the current rather than resist it. (0:00) Intro (6:05) Ashley Jablow (43:58) Coaching Takeaways  Ashley’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ashleyjablow/

Om Podcasten

Steve Perkins, Founder and CEO of Greenhouse Coaching, shares practical ideas and tips for work, leadership, and life. This is a fun and insightful podcast, with personality gripes, coaching 'happy hours', and guest interviews telling the stories of their non-linear career paths. Get helpful tools and coaching at greenhousecoaching.co Follow Greenhouse: Instagram | YouTube | LinkedIn