I'd Go No Matter What Happens :: Annie F. Downs

Annie F. Downs is an author, speaker and the host of That Sounds Fun podcast. She often describes herself as flawed but funny and loves to make sure that the goodness of God is evident in everyday life. As a communicator she extends this message into the heartbeat of her books, when she is sharing candidly on her podcast and when she is speaking to audiences everywhere. Annie's authenticity and genuine connection makes those around her feel like immediately friends. It's no wonder the ways God is using her life to communicate.

Om Podcasten

Streaming from Passion City Church, the Grove Podcast is designed to encourage women to become ROOTED in the unfailing Word of God, to choose to FLOURISH where we’re planted, to walk in FREEDOM in Christ and truly live, and to offer our lives as SHADE to the people who intersect our paths in our city. The Grove Podcast is hosted by Shelley Giglio and other women of The Grove.