Make It Out Alive :: Louie & Shelley Giglio + Kristian & Kerri Stanfill

In this conversation, Louie + Shelley Giglio sit down with Kristian + Kerri to share about Kristian's former struggle with sobriety. During this time they unpack the beauty of community, how it saved his life, his marriage and deepened his relationship with God. Kristian + Kerri also explain how these years have cultivated and birthed some very heartfelt and transparent songs in his newest album rooted from his testimony.

Om Podcasten

Streaming from Passion City Church, the Grove Podcast is designed to encourage women to become ROOTED in the unfailing Word of God, to choose to FLOURISH where we’re planted, to walk in FREEDOM in Christ and truly live, and to offer our lives as SHADE to the people who intersect our paths in our city. The Grove Podcast is hosted by Shelley Giglio and other women of The Grove.