Stewardship and Freedom :: Emily Vogeltanz, Todd + Susan Peterson

In today's episode we have some of the most faithful Passion City Church builders we know, Emily Vogeltanz sits with Todd and Susan Peterson. These three talk about what it means to serve and honor God with our finances. Their conversation offers more than just practical saving tips and spending practices. It allows each of us to see all that is in store for our lives when we trust God with our money. Todd + Susan Peterson have spent their lives committing to this principle of being generous with their giving. It's through their real stories in different seasons where we see how God continued to prompt them to keep offering more.

Om Podcasten

Streaming from Passion City Church, the Grove Podcast is designed to encourage women to become ROOTED in the unfailing Word of God, to choose to FLOURISH where we’re planted, to walk in FREEDOM in Christ and truly live, and to offer our lives as SHADE to the people who intersect our paths in our city. The Grove Podcast is hosted by Shelley Giglio and other women of The Grove.