When We Gather :: Amy Groeschel & Hannah Brencher

In this conversation, Amy Groeschel, wife to Craig Groeschel + co-pastor of Life Church, sits down with Hannah Brencher, author + friend to the Grove, to have a deep look into Psalm 84:10. In this time they review the beauty of what is received when we gather as the women of God to sing the praises of God. With such great perspective from how drastically our lives changed in the midst of 2020 to shift now into the privilege we have in gathering again. This 30 minute discussion empowers each of us around the decision we have to not forsake the gathering of one another as Hebrews 10:25 instructs.

Om Podcasten

Streaming from Passion City Church, the Grove Podcast is designed to encourage women to become ROOTED in the unfailing Word of God, to choose to FLOURISH where we’re planted, to walk in FREEDOM in Christ and truly live, and to offer our lives as SHADE to the people who intersect our paths in our city. The Grove Podcast is hosted by Shelley Giglio and other women of The Grove.