Building a thriving online community, with Alex Theuma, Founder @SaaStock

Communities can be super powerful. They carry trends, they generate awareness, and if you play your cards right, they can even significantly affect your overall business growth. Now, communities are far from easy to build. To explore the topic, we invited Alex Theuma, founder of SaaStock a successful community helping SaaS founders and their teams connect via expert conferences around the world. In this episode, we cover: - The origins of SaaStock - How to start a community - How to keep your audience engaged to grow the community - The KPIs of community building - More advice for aspiring community builders - And, as per usual, the Fast Five. So, is community building just a nice to have, or should SaaS B2B companies really try to benefit from it? Answer in episode 102 of the SaaS Growth Hub Podcast, with Alex Theuma, founder of SaaStock.

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The podcast for all things B2B SaaS marketing is brought to you by marketing agency Advance B2B. The Growth Hub Podcast is for SaaS marketers, CEOs, and founders who want to increase their knowledge, skills, and wisdom about building a high-growth SaaS business. With a mix of strategic frameworks, actionable insights, and inspiring tales, we catch up with some of the top minds in SaaS from across the world to gain their insight and advice on all things growth.