Episode 258: Strategic Goal Setting for the New Year

Join Drs. Cory Shaffer and Brian Selman in a candid discussion on contemporary goal setting and design. As we kick off the year, January presents the perfect opportunity for practical application in attaining goals. They discuss the pitfalls of setting too many goals and the power of focusing on just one. Together, they debunk myths surrounding effective goal setting, offering invaluable insights to help you start the year with clarity and purpose.

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Our group is traditionally trained in sport and performance psychology, and in the spirit of what we do, the purpose of our podcast is to make a positive impact on your life and challenge you to think differently on topics related to growth. Through conversations with coaches, athletes, executives, and leaders of industry, we will explore and highlight the mindset and skillset required for lasting growth. Ultimately, we exist to provide you with the tools to become the best version of you. At AMPLOS, we’re passionate about helping you pursue better.