Episode 267: Removing Bias in Team Selection

Drs. Cory Shaffer and Brian Selman engage in a compelling discussion on recognizing biases in selection processes. They explore the concept that "the map is not the territory," highlighting the importance of understanding that our perceptions are not always accurate representations of reality. With a focus on interview best practices, they underscore the significance of approaching selection with openness and humility. Tune in to enhance your selection process and cultivate stronger, more diverse teams.

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Our group is traditionally trained in sport and performance psychology, and in the spirit of what we do, the purpose of our podcast is to make a positive impact on your life and challenge you to think differently on topics related to growth. Through conversations with coaches, athletes, executives, and leaders of industry, we will explore and highlight the mindset and skillset required for lasting growth. Ultimately, we exist to provide you with the tools to become the best version of you. At AMPLOS, we’re passionate about helping you pursue better.