Episode 26: ‘Nevermind‘ - Nirvana

With this entry, The Grunge Bible Podcast has officially breached the half-year mark! This week, Chris and Ethan take a look at one of the most quintessential records from the era, Nirvana's 'Nevermind', which turns 30 later this month. So many album birthdays this month. If you are enjoying the show, becoming a Patron is the most helpful way to support us. If you have gotten more than $2 of satisfaction from this show, click the link here :) https://www.patreon.com/grunge_bible 

Om Podcasten

Join Chris Celona and Ethan Shalaway as they discuss all things music and 90s ‘grunge‘ rock, with discussions of stories, albums, lyrics, artists, as well as interviews, questions, and answers. Produced by Drew McFadyen.