Does Your Business Have a "Regressive Gene"?

Tom is a big fan of geneology, are you familiar with it?  If not, it's the study of ones family history, and ancestors.  Chunga's grandparents were big fans of geneology and created a hightly detailed blueprint of how Chunga became Chunga--or so he thought.  Recently, he recieved a report from a company called 23&Me. That report was a bit different than his families documentation!  Tom has also done extensive geneology work, and like Chunga has gotten a similar report from 23&Me.  However, Toms was spot on, and virtually identical!  Tom has been a big fan of 23&Me but they're a company thats on the decline. Why? Its not because of minor, mis-match issues like Chunga's talking about, no. It's because they have a problem that he calls a "regressive gene" in their business model.  Tom couldn't agree more!  So, what is the regressive gene, and do you have a similar problem with your business? Listen NOW to find out! 

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Thomas Hatch and Jimmy Chunga are The Hacks! Join them every week as they talk about nerd stuff. If you’re into cybersecurity, DevSecOps, SecOps, DevOps, all the Ops, infrastructure automation, network automation, configuration management, and open source then subscribe now. This will be your new favorite podcast! Because we know you’re thinking it...NO, they don’t live in their moms’ basements...this month.