Is AMD Better Than Intel?

Tom has wanted to do this episode for weeks! Shortly before the Ukraine conflict broke out, he read a news article announcing that AMD had passed Intel in terms of market cap and now he wants to take a victory lap. Chunga says "they'll be no shutting him up about this". As many of you know, Tom has been an AMD "fanboy" for decades, and this news doesn't surprise him a bit. So what does all of this really mean? Does it mean AMD chips have become better than Intel chips? Does it mean Intel is on the decline and they've had their day in the sun? Listen now and find out! Take a look at the brand new Idem Project! Learn more about Salt Project!  

Om Podcasten

Thomas Hatch and Jimmy Chunga are The Hacks! Join them every week as they talk about nerd stuff. If you’re into cybersecurity, DevSecOps, SecOps, DevOps, all the Ops, infrastructure automation, network automation, configuration management, and open source then subscribe now. This will be your new favorite podcast! Because we know you’re thinking it...NO, they don’t live in their moms’ basements...this month.