Singularity In 21 Years. A Reality Or Nah...

After taking and extended summer holiday, Tom Hatch is back baby! While he was away, Chunga came across and interesting article about "Singlularity". Do you know about the theory and concepts behind Singularity? If you're not familiar, Singularity is that singular moment in time when computers become self-aware, and merge their existence with humanity. This article that Chunga found is from an American computer scientist and futureist named Ray Kurzweil. He claims that because of advancements in A.I., we will acheive Singlularity within the next 21 years. Chunga wants to know what Tom thinks about all of this, and if he agrees with Mr. Kurzweil.  So... Does he?  Listen NOW to find out! Singularity within 21 years! Get started with Salt Project in just a few minutes!

Om Podcasten

Thomas Hatch and Jimmy Chunga are The Hacks! Join them every week as they talk about nerd stuff. If you’re into cybersecurity, DevSecOps, SecOps, DevOps, all the Ops, infrastructure automation, network automation, configuration management, and open source then subscribe now. This will be your new favorite podcast! Because we know you’re thinking it...NO, they don’t live in their moms’ basements...this month.