25. Do Kids Ruin Marriages? w/ Relationship Expert Sheina Schochet LMHC

Sheina Schochet is a relationship coach and therapist who specializes in helping couples keep their connection after having kids. Find out why some couples are just as connected before and after having kids and why some get divorced. Sheina gives loads of relationship and marriage advice specifically as it relates to the challenges that a couple faces when they become parents. You can find Sheina on her Instagram page @loveafterbaby, as well as her website, where she offers courses and coaching.  Check out her offerings here: 30 Day Challenge- https://sheinaschochet.com/30-day-challenge   Touched Out to Turned On- https://sheinaschochet.thrivecart.com/touched-out-to-turned-on/   Resentment to Reconnection (has the $200 off code attached):  https://sheinaschochet.thrivecart.com/resentment-reconnection/   To continue the conversation, and learn more about similar topics, check out the Yoledet Academy Instagram community.       Check out Dr. Elissa Hellman’s new course for pre-teen girls, “Girls Growing Up,” on her website and Instagram page @theconfidentkallah. She is an Orthodox Jewish Ob/Gyn who developed this educational course about puberty with frum girls in mind.   Check out the Yoledet Picks Amazon Storefront to find any of the products mentioned in this episode, and discover Chanie’s other favorites.   If you like what you hear and want to help more people discover this show, here's what you can do to help us grow: 1. Rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts. 2. Subscribe to this show on whichever podcast app you listen. Ex: hit the button "follow" right under the cover art on Spotify. Plus - you'll never miss another episode. 3. Be a good friend and spread the wealth of knowledge! You never know how this will improve someone's life.  Did you know that you can listen on your web browser too? Just hit this link and share it with your friends - no special apps needed.

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New: Hear your voice on The Happy Birthway Podcast! Call 203-759-8639 to ask me a question or leave a comment that I will answer on the podcast. Unpopular opinion: A healthy mom and healthy baby are NOT enough. Why don't we pay attention to a mother's experience and perceptions of her birth enough? I'm an L&D nurse revealing insider secrets that you won't learn in your standard childbirth ed class. We explore every facet (from opposite extremes) of not just birth, but the experience of womanhood and childbearing. Along with women sharing their experiences vulnerably, a slew of experts gift us with knowledge we never thought we needed. I throw in an extra layer to the discussion by exploring the implications of Judaism and Jewish culture on the reproductive experience. This show spans way beyond pregnancy and birth, with topics on sex, birth control, birth trauma, perinatal mental health, postpartum realities, breastfeeding, sleep training, diet culture, infertility, realities of our healthcare system, Jewish law, and so much more. The information here is not intended to give you medical advice or replace the care of a qualified healthcare provider.