167: You Don't Have to Be John Maxwell to Be a Great Leader

Are you getting lost in leadership theories without seeing real changes in your team?   Listen now and shift from concepts to action!   > Full Show Notes, Resources, & More   ============================   When you’re ready, here are three ways I can help you build your engineering career:   1. Engineering Career Accelerator™️ Scorecard … foundational insights you can check, score, and apply immediately to stand out and excel at work.   2. Join us at Happy Hour … a limited-attendance LIVE monthly workshop where we dig deep into career growth strategies and provide 1:1 open coaching for you at the end of the session.   3. Work with me directly … start with a free chat and ensure it’s a great fit, then work with me and my team privately in our exclusive coaching program for engineering leaders.   ============================   In this episode, I dive deep into the practical aspects of leadership with a focus on behaviors over traits.    Everyone aspires to be a great leader, but what does that really entail beyond the buzzwords and theories?    I share a story from a recent conversation with Bill, a senior engineering manager, who's striving to enhance his leadership skills, particularly around building trust and creating psychological safety within his team.    We discuss how easy it is to get caught up in the theoretical aspects of leadership, like the concepts found in leadership books, and overlook the necessity of actionable steps.    Throughout our discussion, I emphasize the importance of transforming leadership aspirations into specific, behavior-based actions that lead to real results.    Join me as we explore how to break down common leadership challenges into tangible actions that can immediately impact your team. So press play and let’s chat about turning theory into action! ============================   WE GROW BY WORD OF MOUTH   If you have received value from The Happy Engineer Podcast, would you help us pay it forward by SHARING this episode with another engineer?   Hit the SHARE button, or copy the episode URL and paste it into a text message or social media post!   Thank you for helping us grow the show.   ============================   Connect with your host, Zach White:   LinkedIn (primary) Instagram Facebook YouTube  

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The Happy Engineer helps engineering leaders reach the next level without suffering burnout - because success without fulfillment is failure. You will discover how to redefine work/life balance and lead with purpose, while accelerating your next promotion. Bring a growth mindset, engineers... It's time for personal development before technical development, emotional intelligence (EQ) before IQ, and coaching to crush your comfort zone! If you find yourself asking questions like these, then this show is for you: * How do I decide between a technical career path or management? Can I ever go back? * How do I reignite passion and purpose in my engineering career (or just stop dreading Monday)? * Why am I not getting promoted to Manager / Director / VP (and my peers are)? * How can I increase my salary and total compensation faster? * What should I do if I want to change discipline, industry, or even leave engineering? * What does it take to move from engineering to entrepreneurship? * WHY AM I SO UNHAPPY??? Your host, Zach White, knows how frustrating building your engineering career can be. As an engineer himself, he climbed the corporate ladder. He's seen (and survived) it all. He's felt stuck, been burned out from 80-hour weeks, suffered under a bad boss, and had his career plan thwarted multiple times by corporate reorgs. You know the worst part? He lived below his full potential. Ultimately Zach found incredible success in his career, but it was not without trials, failure, and a rock-bottom experience with burnout. Each week, the former engineering leader, now turned CEO and sought-after Lifestyle Engineering Coach, will help you create an action plan to level up your career while designing a life you love. Enjoy inspiring conversations with experts from all corners of industry and life. Learn how to overcome any career obstacle you face. Get off the road to burnout. Build your career. Balance your life. BE HAPPY!