Jill Garner - StrongHearted Kids

10:00 Why self-esteem didn’t deliver 12:15 Kids find fulfillment when they discover this 14:00 How to guide children to be respectful 16:30 Which is most important: humility, respect or resiliency? 18:00 A working definition of humility 21:10 Train, don’t entertain 23:30 When a teenager goes sideways 25:00 My twins entered high school and I had a panic attack 29:00 Instilling courage through trying 32:00 Using persuasive pressure on kids Jill Garner is the founder of Manners of the Heart, a non-profit to re-awake respect in our society. She has been featured by Focus on the Family and FamilyLife Today. She is an accomplished speaker, advocate, and author. Learn more about Jill Garner and her non-profit, Manners of the Heart https://mannersoftheheart.org/ Learn more about Jill Garner and her latest book, StrongHeart: Cultivating Humility, Respect, and Resiliency in Your Child. https://jillgarnercontent.org/books Did you miss Reset Your Tech month? Go back to last month's episodes, and you can still get your free "Reset Your Tech" tip sheet https://www.happyhomeuniversity.com/subscribe Coming September 6, 2025 - Arlene's next Parents Rising Conference in San Diego. Save the date! Get your copy of Parents Rising here https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0802416608/?tag=arlenpelli-20 Have a question for Arlene to address on the podcast? Please email Arlene your questions and the topics you want covered on the show! speaking@arlenepellicane.com

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This show is for women and men who want a happier home life. Arlene will help you bridge the gap between your ideal family and the real thing. You don’t have to come from a happy home to create one. Your host Arlene Pellicane is a speaker and author of several books including 31 Days to a Happy Husband and Parents Rising. She and her husband James have been married more than 21 years and have three children. Inside this podcast, you’ll meet some of the kindest and smartest experts when it comes to marriage and parenting. Get ready for fun and practical conversations that will change your thinking, give you hope, and spark positive change.