Jim Burns - Teen Guide to Sexual Integrity

Our kids are being bombarded by sexual images through social media, YouTube, porn, and music. As parents, we cannot be silent about sex, but it's such an awkward subject to talk about. Jim Burns is here to help us with conversations from his new book, A Student's Guide to Sexual Integrity: God's plan for sex and your body. In this episode, you'll learn: 4:53 Is God like the grinch when it comes to sex and pleasure? 7:26 Start conversations like this 12:33 How to parent differently within this confusing time 16:00 What does God say about sexuality? 18:52 How to talk about dating with your kids 24:41 Why your kids need to be different (and why they'll thank you) 27:09 How to teach your kids how to bounce their eyes Jim Burns is the president of HomeWord. He speaks to thousands of people around the world each year and his more than 3 million resources in print in 20 languages. He and his wife have 3 grown daughters. He’s the author of numerous books including Doing Life with Your Adult Children. Today he's talking about his newest book, A Student’s Guide to Sexual Integrity: God’s Plan for Sex and Your Body. Learn more about Jim Burns at Homeword.com https://homeword.com/ Get the book, A Student's Guide to Sexual Integrity https://homeword.com/product/students-guide-to-sexual-integrity-gods-plan-for-sex-and-your-body/ Get the online course, A Student's Guide to Sexual Integrity https://homeword.com/product/online-course-a-students-guide-to-sexual-integrity/ Get Arlene's book Screen Kids (co-authored with Dr. Gary Chapman) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0802422209/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0802422209&linkCode=as2&tag=arlenpelli-20&linkId=837f2447fde5b4a57b13b75b78236083 Subscribe to Arlene's free email list and get your free Gratitude Workout for your home https://www.happyhomeuniversity.com/subscribe Have a question for Arlene to address on the podcast? Please email Arlene your questions and the topics you want covered on the show! speaking@arlenepellicane.com Save the date: Arlene's next Parents Rising Conference in San Diego, September 6, 2025

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This show is for women and men who want a happier home life. Arlene will help you bridge the gap between your ideal family and the real thing. You don’t have to come from a happy home to create one. Your host Arlene Pellicane is a speaker and author of several books including 31 Days to a Happy Husband and Parents Rising. She and her husband James have been married more than 21 years and have three children. Inside this podcast, you’ll meet some of the kindest and smartest experts when it comes to marriage and parenting. Get ready for fun and practical conversations that will change your thinking, give you hope, and spark positive change.