Melissa Huray - Victory Over Addiction

If you have a child struggling with addiction, it can seem improbable and even impossible that your child will change. Today's guest Melissa Huray is living proof that anyone can break free from addiction and go from bondage to blessed. Born into an alcoholic home, Melissa found her escape from pain through alcohol. Drinking would steal 15 good years of her life, but after surrendering to Christ, her whole life changed. She found total freedom and she'll share today how you and your kids can too. Get Arlene's new book, Making Marriage Easier: How to Love (and Like) Your Spouse for Life Today on the show, we'll talk about: 3:00 Growing up with an alcoholic father 7:00 Being drawn to the numbing effects of alcohol as a teen The enemy primed me for that. He showed me alcohol can help you. It can do something positive for you. 8:15 What can you say as a parent to help your child in addiction 13:00 I needed to stop drinking but everything I tried failed 16:31 Alcoholism is a disease - why this label is not helpful 19:00 No matter what the dependency, you can pursue healing 21:00 What I am trying to do with my teenagers 25:00 Both coming from addicted homes, we had a lot of baggage in our marriage 29:00 Learning to trust God and living in freedom Melissa Huray is an Emmy award winning news reporter and anchor, and an addiction counselor with a Masters in Physiology. She is the Executive Director at the Lindell Recovery Network. Her books include Blackout to Blessing and Radical Freedom. Learn more about Melissa Huray and her books Help is available at Lindell Recovery Network Get Arlene's new book, Making Marriage Easier: How to Love (and Like) Your Spouse for Life Have a question for Arlene to address on the podcast? Please email Arlene your questions and the topics you want covered on the show! Save the date: Arlene's next Parents Rising Conference in San Diego, September 6, 2025

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This show is for women and men who want a happier home life. Arlene will help you bridge the gap between your ideal family and the real thing. You don’t have to come from a happy home to create one. Your host Arlene Pellicane is a speaker and author of several books including 31 Days to a Happy Husband and Parents Rising. She and her husband James have been married more than 21 years and have three children. Inside this podcast, you’ll meet some of the kindest and smartest experts when it comes to marriage and parenting. Get ready for fun and practical conversations that will change your thinking, give you hope, and spark positive change.