Rachael Adams - Everyday Prayers for Love

When every single person in your home feels lavishly loved, life is better. You and your kids know you are loved by God, but sometimes you forget or don't feel loved. Rachael Adams has a new book, Everyday Prayers for Love, which will help you invite the God of love into your home each day. It's about making love the rule of your life, not the exception. In today's episode, we'll talk about: 2:10 How to be a love offering 5:32 How do you describe love? 11:47 How to see God’s love in a tangible way 15:55 Can anger be healthy anger and still loving? 19:45 How to honor your divorced parents 22:28 How to love God with the entirety of yourself Today’s guest Rachael Adams is the host of The Love Offering Podcast, and the author of A Little Goes a Long Way: 52 Days to a Significant Life. She and her husband live in Kentucky with their two children. Her new book, Everyday Prayers for Love is part of the Everyday Prayers series through Million Praying Moms. Learn more about Rachael Adams https://rachaelkadams.com/ Connect with Rachael on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rachaeladamsauthor Pre-order Arlene's new book, Making Marriage Easier: How to Love (and Like) Your Spouse for Life https://makingmarriageeasier.com/ Have a question for Arlene to address on the podcast? Please email Arlene your questions and the topics you want covered on the show! speaking@arlenepellicane.com Save the date: Arlene's next Parents Rising Conference in San Diego, September 6, 2025

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This show is for women and men who want a happier home life. Arlene will help you bridge the gap between your ideal family and the real thing. You don’t have to come from a happy home to create one. Your host Arlene Pellicane is a speaker and author of several books including 31 Days to a Happy Husband and Parents Rising. She and her husband James have been married more than 21 years and have three children. Inside this podcast, you’ll meet some of the kindest and smartest experts when it comes to marriage and parenting. Get ready for fun and practical conversations that will change your thinking, give you hope, and spark positive change.