5. Fine Art or Not-So-Fine Art: Which Brings Happiness? - with Professor Kathleen Vohs

In this fun episode, we explore how looking at art can not onlyimpact happiness but also meaning in life. Professor Kathleen Vohs of Universityof Minnesota shares insights from her research on how people feel when lookingat fine and not so fine art. Surprisingly, both can have positive, but very different, effects. Tune in to discover what kinds of art might elevate your happiness or deepen your life’s meaning! https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17439760.2021.1975159

Om Podcasten

Discover the science of happiness, one episode – one study! In this podcast, host Professor Micael Dahlen explores groundbreaking research with leading experts, uncovering the science behind what truly makes us happy. Whether it's relationships, work, politics, or daily habits, The Happy Science Podcast brings insights from the field in a fun, engaging and accessible way. Tune in for thought-provoking discussions and practical takeaways on how to live a happier, more fulfilling life—backed by science!