#106: VR in healthcare 🕶

In this week's Sunday session, James talks about the latest in VR in healthcare and you can read the Forbes article below. Forbes article on VR in healthcare: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamessomauroo/2020/06/19/virtual-reality-helps-medics-beat-coronavirus/ James' upcoming podcast talk: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lunch-learn-how-can-podcasting-benefit-your-healthtech-startup-tickets-109608102786 HSC Ventures: https://hscventures.co.uk/ Get in touch: www.jamessomauroo.com | www.somx.co.uk

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The Healthtech Podcast covers the latest in health and technology through interviews with disruptive healthtech startups and leaders. Whether you’re a patient, founder, investor or simply interested in healthtech, The Healthtech Podcast has it covered. 🌍 Listeners in over 150 countries. 🎙 New episode every week. 🗣 Hosted by Dr James Somauroo. www.thehealthtechpodcast.com | www.somx.health | www.jamessomauroo.com