#373 Digitising Pathology: Why AI is the Future of Cancer Treatment with Meriem Sefta from Owkin

This week, James is joined by Dr. Meriem Sefta, PhD, Chief Diagnostics Officer at Owkin. Owkin is the first end-to-end AI-biotech company on a mission to understand complex biology and ensure every patient gets the right treatment using AI trained on world-class patient data through privacy-enhancing technologies.

Learn more: https://www.owkin.com/diagnostics-approach

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The Healthtech Podcast covers the latest in health and technology through interviews with disruptive healthtech startups and leaders. Whether you’re a patient, founder, investor or simply interested in healthtech, The Healthtech Podcast has it covered. 🌍 Listeners in over 150 countries. 🎙 New episode every week. 🗣 Hosted by Dr James Somauroo. www.thehealthtechpodcast.com | www.somx.health | www.jamessomauroo.com