#380 The Secret to Building Biotech Companies That Succeed with Kerstin Papenfuss from Deep Science Ventures

This week, James is joined by Dr. Kerstin Papenfuss, Director of Pharma at Deep Science Ventures. Deep Science Ventures is pioneering a new approach to building healthtech companies from the ground up, focusing on four key outcomes: restorative cultivation, scaling intelligence, reversing global heating, and curative therapeutics. Kerstin has over a decade of experience in leadership roles at impact-driven organisations advancing medicine and therapeutics and has been leading the pharma sector at Deep Science Ventures for the past four years.


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The Healthtech Podcast covers the latest in health and technology through interviews with disruptive healthtech startups and leaders. Whether you’re a patient, founder, investor or simply interested in healthtech, The Healthtech Podcast has it covered. 🌍 Listeners in over 150 countries. 🎙 New episode every week. 🗣 Hosted by Dr James Somauroo. www.thehealthtechpodcast.com | www.somx.health | www.jamessomauroo.com