#385 Making Healthtech Regulation Agile with James Dewar from Scarlet

This week James is joined by... another James, Scarlet CEO and co-founder James Dewar. He co-founded Scarlet with Jamie Cox in 2021 to hasten the transition to universally accessible and affordable healthcare. After graduating with a Masters in AI & Machine Learning from Imperial College, he worked as a Data Scientist before meeting Jamie and starting Scarlet. He has spent nearly four years developing Scarlet into Europe's only software & AI-specialised Notified Body, which certifies medical software under MDR more efficiently and frequently than ever before.

Learn more: http://scarlet.cc

Apply to be a guest: www.thehealthtechpodcast.com

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The Healthtech Podcast covers the latest in health and technology through interviews with disruptive healthtech startups and leaders. Whether you’re a patient, founder, investor or simply interested in healthtech, The Healthtech Podcast has it covered. 🌍 Listeners in over 150 countries. 🎙 New episode every week. 🗣 Hosted by Dr James Somauroo. www.thehealthtechpodcast.com | www.somx.health | www.jamessomauroo.com