Episode 84: COVID-19: Ideas, Innovation and Optimism 💡

This week's Sunday Session is about ideas, innovation and optimism in the face of lockdown and social distancing. Mentioned this week: If you want to join the HS. Office Hours with Ananda Ventures on Wednesday, apply here ASAP. Late applications will be taken forwards to the next office hours, so whenever you're listening, you can apply here: https://hs18.typeform.com/to/fDudbo For a free healthtech design workshop, contact charlie.regis@styliff.com | www.styliff.com Contact James for feedback on an idea: https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-somauroo/ The Story of Arkeo and Mental Fitness: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-83-the-story-of-arkeo-and-mental-fitness/id1438968893?i=1000470318986

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The Healthtech Podcast covers the latest in health and technology through interviews with disruptive healthtech startups and leaders. Whether you’re a patient, founder, investor or simply interested in healthtech, The Healthtech Podcast has it covered. 🌍 Listeners in over 150 countries. 🎙 New episode every week. 🗣 Hosted by Dr James Somauroo. www.thehealthtechpodcast.com | www.somx.health | www.jamessomauroo.com