Desire Dump: How doing a brain dump of your desires can help you prioritize them

Visit today's blog post here. If you're listening to this in real time, I hope you're having a lovely holiday week. Today's episode is a little present from me to you, which is something that I do with my mastermind ladies and that is a CEO Dream Day. I really feel like doing this right before the New Year is the perfect time to ask yourself questions and set your intentions for your life in a soft and gentle way. Today's episode is going to walk you through six simple steps and I'll also give you access to the CEO Dream Day workbook (just email me!). –– Connect with Anna on Instagram: @heartcentered.entrepreneur The Heart Centered Entrepreneur Podcast is produced by Heart Centered Podcasting.

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Welcome to The Heart Centered Entrepreneur Podcast, hosted by Anna Rapp. I want you to live in abundance in your business, happiness, and the impact you make. I'm here to help you build your business with proven tips and mindset hacks that will ultimately help you make more money with heart.