How Does Christ Satisfy Us Fully | Henri Blocher

Sermon Title - The Final Christ In John 4:7-14 and 6:27-40, Jesus uses the universal symbols of bread and water to draw people to himself, awakening in them a sense of their deeper hunger and thirst. He is the greater Jacob and the greater Moses, offering people the living water and bread of life - eternal life - that will satisfy them forever with himself. Those who eat and drink of Christ will never hunger or thirst again. Applied to our theological work, Christ reverses the wisdom of the world that elevates the pursuit of truth over truth itself and is more enamored with the brilliancy of its presentation than with He who is Wisdom in person. We are tempted by things that can only satisfy for a time, but Christ is the final food and final drink, the one in whom all the fullness of deity is present and in whom we are filled perfectly and entirely so that there is no more hunger and painful thirst. Henri A. G. Blocher (DD Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) is Professor Emeritus at Faculte Libre de Theologie Evangelique. He is author of In the Beginning: The Opening Chapters of Genesis (IVP Academic, 1984) and Original Sin: Illuminating the Riddle (IVP Academic, 2000). Blocher was a member of the Lausanne Committee on World Evangelization (1975-1980), served the World Evangelical Fellowship/Alliance in a number of capacities, and taught in schools in Europe, Australia, Africa, Canada, and the US. The Henry Center for Theological Understanding provides theological resources that help bridge the gap between the academy and the church. It houses a cluster of initiatives, each of which is aimed at applying practical Christian wisdom to important kingdom issues—for the good of the church, for the soul of the theological academy, for the sake of the world, and ultimately for the glory of God. The HCTU seeks to ground each of these initiatives in Scripture, and it pursues these goals collaboratively, in order to train a new generation of wise interpreters of the Word—lay persons and scholars alike—for the sake of tomorrow’s church, academy, and world. Visit the HCTU website: Subscribe to the HCTU Newsletter: Connect with us!

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This is our archive of public lectures and conversations where scholars and pastors offer careful reflection on a range of biblical, theological, and ecclesial topics. The HCTU seeks to bridge the gap between the academy and the church by cultivating resources and communities that promote Christian wisdom. This is accomplished through a cluster of initiatives, each of which is aimed at applying practical Christian wisdom to important kingdom issues—for the good of the church, for the soul of the theological academy, for the sake of the world, and ultimately for the glory of God.