Intercultural Perspectives on Ministry Among Emerging Adults | Alcántara, Bell Profit, & Roh

Intercultural perspectives on emerging adulthood bring important depth and texture to any and all conversations about emerging adulthood. Each panelist in our intercultural perspectives panel share fresh stories and significant experiences drawn from their time working in non-white, immigrant, and diaspora ministry settings. By sharing their stories, they identify points of convergence and divergence with contemporary research on emerging adults. They also help see how crucial intercultural perspectives are for any person who hopes to minister to emerging adults. The panelists challenge assumptions, offer significant insights, and raise thought-provoking questions. Jared E. Alcántara (PhD Princeton Theological Seminary) is Associate Professor of Preaching and holds the Paul W. Powell Endowed Chair in Preaching at Baylor University’s George W. Truett Theological Seminary. He is also the author of several books on preaching, including The Practices of Christian Preaching: Essentials for Effective Proclamation (Baker Academic, 2019) and Crossover Preaching: Intercultural-Improvisational Homiletics in Conversation with Gardner C. Taylor (IVP Academic, 2015). Jerrica Bell Profit (BS Northwestern University) is Enablement Communications Manager at Salesforce. She previously worked in campus ministry through InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at the University of Illinois Chicago. Jimmy Roh (PhD Candidate Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) is the Partnership Manager for Global Outreach at McLean Bible Church and Adjunct Instructor at Multnomah University. Visit the HCTU website: Subscribe to the HCTU Newsletter: Connect with us!

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