Should We Pray for Healing | Interviewing Todd Billings Part 2

Discussion Topic - Healing and Resurrection Hope Resurrection hope is often muted in churches today as cultural forces of the modern West deny the reality and potency of death. What does genuine resurrection hope entail? Cancer patient J. Todd Billings and Taylor Worley recognize the tendency to equate hope with healing and prolonging life as long as possible. In this discussion, they emphasize that true resurrection hope resides in our participation in Christ's resurrection. Healing and resuscitation are temporary, but resurrection in our glorified bodies is the only permanent solution to death. J. Todd Billings (ThD Harvard) is the Gordon H. Girod Research Professor of Reformed Theology at Western Theological Seminary. He is the author of Union with Christ (Baker Academic, 2011), Rejoicing in Lament (Brazos Press, 2015), and The End of the Christian Life (Brazos Press, 2020). Visit the HCTU website: Subscribe to the HCTU Newsletter: Connect with us!

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