Dr. Stuart Jeanne Bramhall | Systemic Injustice, Targeted Harassment, & Expatriation

Dr. Bramhall tells her tale in The Most Revolutionary Act: Memoir of an American Refugee which describes how FBI harassment led a 54 year old psychiatrist, single mother activist, to close her 25 year Seattle practice to begin a new life in New Zealand. It begins by describing the fifteen years of covert harassment she experienced when she used her financial and social position, as a doctor, to assist two former Black Panthers who had occupied an abandoned school to transform it into an African American Museum. What began as unrelenting phone harassment and illegal break-ins, progressed to six attempts on her life and an affair with an undercover agent who railroaded her into a psychiatric hospital. Follow her blog: https://stuartbramhall.wordpress.com Download her free e-book, 21st Century Revolution.    

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THC is an interview-based show that seeks to explore esoteric, bizarre, alternative, and sometimes taboo topics with the best researchers and authors in the game.