Ed Calderon | Mexican Cartel Intel, Cross-Boarder Trafficking, & Their Alliance With China
***Click here to join THC+ and get full uninterrupted 2 hour episodes, a dedicated Plus RRS feed, lifetime forum access, merch discounts, & other bonuses like free downloads of THC music.*** See detailed sign up options down below. About Today's Guest:For over a decade Ed Calderon worked in the fields of counter-narcotics, organized crime investigation, and public safety in the northern border region of Mexico. During this period he also coordinated and worked executive protection details for high-level government officials and visiting dignitaries — often in some of the most dangerous parts of the country. Ed Calderon's study into the indigenous Méxican criminal culture, from occult practices to endemic modus operandi have lead him to be recognized as one of the world’s preeminent researchers and trainers in the field of personal security that has come out of Mexico. Ed has had the privilege of sharing his expertise with members of federal law enforcement agencies including the FBI and BORTAC, Navy SEALS, Indonesian Kopaska, Mexican and United States intelligence service agents, and members of special forces groups from all over the world. Currently, Ed travels North America doing security consulting and conducting seminars and private training courses in anti-abduction, escapology, unarmed combat, region-specific executive protection work, and unconventional-edged weapons work. Follow Ed on Instagram: instagram.com/manifestoradiopodcast and check out his website: edsmanifesto.com THC Links: Website Proper MeetUps Calendar THC T-shirts & Merch Store Leave a voicemail for the Joint Session Bonus Shows Leave us an iTunes review THC Communities: Telegram Subreddit THC Plus Sign-Up Options: Subscribe via our website for a full-featured experience, or Subscribe via Patreon, including the full Plus archive, a dedicated RSS feed, & payment through Paypal. To get a year of THC+ by cash, check, or money order please mail the payment in the amount of $96 to: Greg Carlwood PO Box 2738 Zephyrhills, FL 33539 Cryptocurrency If you’d like to pay the $96 for a year of THC+ via popular Cryptocurrencies, transfer funds and then send an email to support@thehighersidechats.com with transaction info and your desired username/password. Please give up to 48 hours to complete. Bitcoin: 1AdauF2Mb7rzkkoXUExq142xfwKC6pS7N1 Ethereum: 0xd6E9232b3FceBe165F39ACfA4843F49e7D3c31d5 Litecoin: LQy7GvD5Euc1efnsfQaAX2RJHgBeoDZJ95 Ripple: rnWLvhCmBWpeFv9HMbZEjsRqpasN8928w3 Solana: FvsBazMY9GAWuWqh5RH7musm9MPUw7a5uF6NVxxhNTqi Doge: D7ueXbfcKfhdAWrDqESrFjFV6UxydjsuCC Monero: 4ApmFHTgU72QybW194iJTZHZb6VmKDzqh5MDTfn9sw4xa9SYXnX5PVDREbnqLNLwJwc7ZqMrYPfaVXgpZnHNAeZmSexCDxM