Jim Gale | Food Forest Abundance & Breaking The Scarcity Spell
**Join THC+ for an extra hour of show, a dedicated Plus RRS feed, lifetime forum access, merch discounts, & other bonus like free downloads of THC music: thehighersidechats.com/plus-membership Today we welcome, Jim Gale, the CEO of Food Forest Abundance, a company that transforms ordinary spaces into beautiful, food-producing landscapes. They provide consultation, design, and installation services to help you realize your edible landscaping, farm & garden, or permaculture goals. They specialize in food forests, herb gardens, and profitable vegetable farms. It's time to take back the land! Get a design plan for your space today, or hire them for an install and mention this interview for a free fruit tree: foodforestabundance.com Design Example: Check out the Permaculture Paradise that is Galt's Landing: galtslanding.com