Thomas J. Carey & Donald R. Schmitt | Roswell, The Real Area 51, & UFO Disclosure

Today, Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmitt, two legendary Roswell researchers join THC to talk about their new book UFO Secrets: Inside Wright-Patterson. They consider Wright-Patterson to be the real Area 51 and this book does fill in a lot of interesting details and witness reports that we didn’t have before, as does the rest of their work. We also get into some deep waters concerning the current disclosure movement, who’s involved, and how much stock we should put in this long-awaited official narrative. You can read more of Tom’s work on his website. Tom and Don have a lot of their collective work at RoswellInvestigator as well.  

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THC is an interview-based show that seeks to explore esoteric, bizarre, alternative, and sometimes taboo topics with the best researchers and authors in the game.