35- French Patriotic Melodrama

This episode is a little smaller in scope than usual. But like one my great podcasting heroes, my ambition for this show is to tell the history of film without any gaps. We cover two examples of an important, though ultimately short lived, sub-genre: The Patriotic Melodrama. We discuss and analyze the 1916 film Alsace, directed by Henri Pouctal, and the 1917 Mothers of Frances, directed by René Hervi . If you would like to email me you can do so at historyoffilmpodcast@gmail.com History of...

Om Podcasten

A (mostly) chronological exploration of international film history. Each episode is a deep dive into the history of the people, events, technologies, cultural forces, and most all the movies that have molded cinema into what it is today! Join host Jacob Aschieris and other listeners for an in depth, thoughtful listening experience, and learn why no story ever written for the screen is as dramatic as the story of the screen itself!