Bonus: Film as Cultural Artifacts

This is the first of (hopefully) a recurring series of episodes on film critical theory. Today, with special guest Melissa Favara, we cover the idea of cultural production. This is kind of the broadest way of looking at movies, as a product of a culture rather only the work of an individual or group of filmmakers. This is a lens with witch to look at movies, and a tool for building context for the movies we will encounter throughout this series. I hope you enjoy it! You can email me at: hist...

Om Podcasten

A (mostly) chronological exploration of international film history. Each episode is a deep dive into the history of the people, events, technologies, cultural forces, and most all the movies that have molded cinema into what it is today! Join host Jacob Aschieris and other listeners for an in depth, thoughtful listening experience, and learn why no story ever written for the screen is as dramatic as the story of the screen itself!