Caitlyn Schollmeier: Breaking societal expectations, a journey from medic to certified nurse midwife in training

Caitlyn Schollmeier, a certified nurse midwife in training, has an impressive background that includes serving as a medic in the Air Force and competing in beauty pageants. Despite not working as a labor and delivery nurse, Caitlyn has amassed a substantial social media following, where she shares her thoughts on the birthing system and other topics. Caitlyn has faced criticism for her participation in beauty pageants, with some viewing it as contradictory to her feminist beliefs. However, she sees pageants as a form of personal development and a way to challenge herself and that women should be able to pursue whatever interests they have, whether they align with traditional expectations or not. As she continues to advocate for women in the birthing system, Caitlyn embraces the idea that women are complex and multi-faceted beings who can pursue various passions. She believes feminism means challenging societal expectations and allowing women to pursue their interests without judgment. She notes that even those who claim to be feminists may still try to impose their own beliefs on women, instead of allowing them to define their own paths. Visit the show notes for more.Learn More & Connect with Caitlyn:InstagramTikTok⁠This episode was made possible by:AHCC - code BELOVED10 for 10% off on Immune Intel⁠⁠BIRTHFIT⁠ - code BELOVED to get one month FREE in their B! Community!⁠BiOptimizers⁠ - code BELOVED for 10% off the only sleep aid you'll ever need!FullWell⁠ - code BELOVED10 for 10% off the best prenatal vitamins and men's virility vitamins on the planet!⁠Organifi⁠ - code BELOVED for 20% off their Glow blend!Connect with me:InstagramTikTokBeloved Holistics ShopMedical Disclaimer: The Holistic OBGYN Podcast is an educational program. No information conveyed through this podcast should be construed as medical advice. These conversations are available to the public for educational and entertainment purposes only.Music provided by EdvardGaresPremium / Pond5Send me a voice message.

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The institutions and individuals who run the world would like you to believe that you are powerless. That there's nothing you can do to improve the wellbeing of your family. That you aren't smart enough to understand shmancy science stuff. That eating and living well is too hard for why try? That exercising your rights to informed consent and refusal is irresponsible. That having a birth on you terms, in your own home would be incorrigible. That pregnancy is a disease and childbirth is a medical procedure. That your symptoms are "all in your head". That cervical cancer is an inevitable consequence of HPV infection. They're wrong. Welcome to your revolution.