Mini-Sode: Kristine Lauria tells the story of her recent home birth TRIPLETS!!

Kristine Lauria is a CPM working almost entirely abroad nowadays, but her skillset is occasionally required and called upon in the United States, and this exact set of circumstances arose a few weeks ago. Kristine sat with a powerful birthing woman carrying triamniotic-trichorionic triplets, who came vaginally, in a variety of different positions, including both cephalic and breech. In this short episode, Kristine shares the birth story. Kristine will be an instructor and speaker at the 2024 Born Free Twins-Breech conference alongside international keynote speakers Mmatshilo Motsei, PhD, and Doña Angelina Martinez Miranda, Carol Gautschi, CPM, from the PNW, the team from Breech Without Borders, the team from Spinning Babies, Stu Fischbein, MD, Tracey Vogel, MD, Hermine Hayes-Klein, JD, and many more presenters and speakers. Be sure to register soon, as spots are filling up quickly, and those who register earlier rather than later save money!

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The institutions and individuals who run the world would like you to believe that you are powerless. That there's nothing you can do to improve the wellbeing of your family. That you aren't smart enough to understand shmancy science stuff. That eating and living well is too hard for why try? That exercising your rights to informed consent and refusal is irresponsible. That having a birth on you terms, in your own home would be incorrigible. That pregnancy is a disease and childbirth is a medical procedure. That your symptoms are "all in your head". That cervical cancer is an inevitable consequence of HPV infection. They're wrong. Welcome to your revolution.